
Wellness & spa

Bains de la Gruyère

At 900 m of altitude at Charmey, surrounded by an exceptional panorama, the Bains de la Gruyère offer a splendid view at the mountains of la Gruyère.

Discovery at a low price

Guest card

Guest card with a wide range of activities for all at reduced prices.

Do not hesitate to ask for it at the hotel reception.

Tasting & discovery

Maison Cailler

Have you ever dreamed of visiting a real Swiss Chocolate factory? At Maison Cailler, our chocolate factory in Broc, we invite you to explore the world of Cailler. Learn about our chocolate through a multi-sensory experience, meet our chocolatiers, and create your own chocolates at our chocolate workshops.


Castle of Gruyères

The Castle of Gruyères was successively occupied by the Counts who built it, by the Bailiffs of Fribourg, then by the Geneva families Bovy and Balland before the State of Fribourg bought its former property again in 1938 to open it to the public. Discover its fascinating eight-century history.